
Robert Rivas (D)

President '12
Barack Obama* (D-Inc) 84,553 66.99%
Mitt Romney (R) 38,951 30.86%
President '16
Hillary Clinton (D) 95,060 66.69%
Donald J. Trump (R) 38,962 27.33%
President '20
Joe Biden (D) 124,595 68.08%
Donald Trump* (R-Inc) 54,429 29.74%
Assembly '12
Luis Alejo* (D-Inc) 79,141 65.37%
Rob Bernosky (R) 41,932 34.63%
Assembly '14
Luis Alejo* (D-Inc) 43,431 59.81%
Mark Starritt (R) 29,187 40.19%
Assembly '16
Anna Caballero (D) 79,885 62.47%
Karina Cervantez Alejo (D) 47,998 37.53%
Assembly '18
Robert Rivas (D) 83,162 68.23%
Neil G. Kitchens (R) 38,719 31.77%
Assembly '20
Robert Rivas* (D-Inc) 123,617 69.63%
Gregory Swett (R) 53,928 30.37%
Governor '14
Edmund G. Brown (D) 49,991 67.16%
Neel Kashkari (R) 24,444 32.84%
Governor '18
Gavin Newsom (D) 80,028 64.46%
John H. Cox (R) 44,118 35.54%
Prop 6 '18 (Gas Tax)
No 75,349 61.88%
Yes 46,410 38.12%
Prop 15 '20 (Split Roll)
Yes 90,484 50.32%
No 89,323 49.68%



Hwy 101 runs right up the middle of this coastal district, which encompasses the counties of Monterey (46% of district voters), Santa Clara (27%), San Benito (15%) and Santa Cruz (12.5%). Largest city: Salinas.


Monterey County (45.52%) San Benito County (14.13%) Santa Clara County (28.66%) Santa Cruz County (11.70%)

AD30 (100.00%)

SD12 (55.14%) SD17 (44.86%)

CD19 (25.48%) CD20 (74.52%)

BOE2 (100.00%)


View Registration History Report


D +17.77%

DEM: 45.40% (139,237)  -- REP: 27.63% (84,729)  -- NPP: 19.06% (58,447) -- OTH: 0.63% (1,933)

     Ethnic voter registration: Latino 47.57%, Asian: 5.01%
     Permanent vote-by-mail voters: 72.50%

Robert Rivas (D)

Born: 1980-01-02

Term 2030

ROBERT RIVAS (D) (b.1/2/80) was elected to the Assembly in 2018 and sworn in as Speaker of the Assembly on June 30th, 2023. At the time of his election, he was serving his second term on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, first winning office in 2010. He began his career as a district representative for Asm. Simon Salinas, and later worked for Asm. Anna Caballero, who endorsed Rivas in the 2018 election to succeed her. Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors, he was a senior clerk for Monterey County.  A one-time on-call Hollister firefighter, he served as a career/job training coordinator at San Benito High School and as an adjunct professor at Gavilan College. He attended Gavilan and holds a bachelor's in public policy from CSU-Sacramento and a master’s in public administration from San Jose State University. He resides in Hollister with his wife, Christen, and their young daughter.

Organization Year Score
ACLU 2023 100%
AFSCME 2021 93%
Alliance for Retired Americans 2023 100%
American Conservative Union 2020 6%
American Conservative Union (Lifetime) 2020 5%
CA Chamber of Commerce 2023 0%
CA Labor Federation 2023 100%
CA Labor Federation (Lifetime) 2023 95%
CA Teachers Assn 2021 99%
California Environmental Justice Alliance 2023 76%
California Federation of Teachers 2019 100%
California League of Conservation Voters 2023 96%
California League of Conservation Voters (Lifetime) 2023 98%
California Pro-Life Council 2021 0%
Courage Campaign 2019 88%
Equality California 2023 100%
Health Access 2020 100%
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn 2021 36%
NARAL Pro-Choice 2023 90%
National Federation of Independent Business 2022 18%
National Rifle Association 2024 0%
NORML 2024 92%
Planned Parenthood 2021 100%
Planned Parenthood of CA 2023 100%
Sierra Club CA 2023 100%
UFCW 2023 100%
United Domestic Workers 2020 100%


D +17.77%

DEM: 45.40% (139,237)  -- REP: 27.63% (84,729)  -- NPP: 19.06% (58,447) -- OTH: 0.63% (1,933)

Past Registration/Turnout

p12: D +28.87% DEM: 86,855 (53.49%) REP: 39,980 (24.62%) NPP: 29,936 (18.44%) TOTAL - 162,380 - TURNOUT: 32.10%
g12: D +28.74% DEM: 89,146 (52.97%) REP: 40,772 (24.23%) NPP: 32,421 (19.27%) TOTAL - 168,280 - TURNOUT: 70.89%
p14: D +27.36% DEM: 87,506 (51.69%) REP: 41,190 (24.33%) NPP: 34,452 (20.35%) TOTAL - 169,300 - TURNOUT: 26.82%
g14: D +27.35% DEM: 87,493 (51.11%) REP: 40,684 (23.76%) NPP: 36,459 (21.30%) TOTAL - 171,198 - TURNOUT: 43.90%
p16: D +28.22% DEM: 92,016 (51.40%) REP: 41,501 (23.18%) NPP: 39,053 (21.82%) TOTAL - 179,011 - TURNOUT: 48.00%
g16: D +28.81% DEM: 99,935 (51.23%) REP: 43,735 (22.42%) NPP: 43,961 (22.54%) TOTAL - 195,072 - TURNOUT: 74.51%
p18: D +29.81% DEM: 99,189 (50.95%) REP: 41,159 (21.14%) NPP: 46,612 (23.94%) TOTAL - 194,697 - TURNOUT: 35.60%
g18: D +29.30% DEM: 100,008 (49.63%) REP: 40,972 (20.33%) NPP: 52,568 (26.09%) TOTAL - 201,520 - TURNOUT: 60.52%
p20: D +30.44% DEM: 109,787 (50.58%) REP: 43,712 (20.14%) NPP: 52,957 (24.40%) TOTAL - 217,068 - TURNOUT: 44.18%
g20: D +31.36% DEM: 120,751 (51.62%) REP: 47,390 (20.26%) NPP: 53,932 (23.05%) TOTAL - 233,994 - TURNOUT: 79.22%

Census Data (2019 ACS 5-Year Estimate)

Population & Ethnic Statistics

Total Population: 497,807
White: 115,045 (23.10%)
Latino: 339,009 (68.10%)
Black: 7,574 (1.50%)
Asian: 25,287 (5.10%)

Household Income

Total Households: 134,673
Family Households: 76,728 (57.00%), Non-Family Households: 57,945 (43%)
Median Household Income: $74,451
Mean Household Income: $99,399
Per-Capita Income: $28,253


Owner Occupied: 75,041 (55.70%)
Median Value: $523,600
Renter Occupied: 59,632 (44.30%)
Median Rent: $1,453


Bachelor's Degree or Higher: 58,434 (19.10%)
Graduate Degree: 18,755 (6.10%)

Poverty Level

Population Below Poverty Level: 12.60%
Population Without Health Insurance: 45,366 (9.30%)

District Profile

Between California’s magnificent coastline and the great Central Valley are the agricultural valleys of San Benito and Monterey Counties.  The combination of California’s sun-drenched summer climate and coastal breezes meandering through the mountain ridges provide an ideal climate for crops of fruits and vegetables that are shipped throughout the country.  

John Steinbeck, a Salinas native, made this region famous as ‘Steinbeck Country.’  San Benito County is also known as the bellwether county of California politics.  It votes for the winner in most elections.  Since 1952, the county has voted for the same presidential candidate as the state as a whole.   

This district has historically been landlocked, while the adjacent, more affluent Assembly district in Santa Cruz and Monterey followed the coastline.  But now the district extends west from the heavily Latino agricultural valleys to include part of the majestic Big Sur coastline. 

This district is solidly Democratic and routinely elects a Latino to the State Assembly.  Two decades ago in 1994, the Republican Revolution sent GOP candidate Peter Frusetta to the Assembly.  Democrats targeted him, but he routinely beat back challengers.  When Frusetta was termed out in 2000, Democrats put the district back in their column where it has remained ever since.

Congressional Districts

CD19, CD20

ZIP Codes

93210, 93426, 93450, 93451, 93461, 93901, 93905, 93906, 93907, 93908, 93920, 93923, 93924, 93925, 93926, 93927, 93928, 93930, 93932, 93954, 93960, 93962, 95004, 95019, 95020, 95023, 95037, 95043, 95045, 95046, 95075, 95076

Campaign 2022


New district lines are expected in early 2022. Under the boundaries that went into effect in 2012, this is a safe Democratic district. Incumbent Democrat Robert Rivas is up for re-election. At the present time, no challenger has filed.

Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Conference Endorsement (Primary): GOES TO CAUCUS (Addis 68%)
Democratic Party Primary Endorsement: Addis, Dawn
Republican Party Primary Endorsement: Nohrden, Vicki


RIVAS FOR ASSEMBLY 2022; ROBERT $0 $0 $1,780,750 $413,980 $1,853,488 $0 2023-03-10



ADDIS, DAWN J. DEMOCRATIC 1422315 Info 2021-11-20
CARTER, ZOE DEMOCRATIC 1443824 Info 2022-01-21
DRAKE, JOHN R. DEMOCRATIC 1438550 Info 2022-02-09
WIZARD, JON DEMOCRATIC 1442930 Info 2022-01-12
NOHRDEN, VICKI L. REPUBLICAN 1402147 Info 2022-01-14

ROBERT RIVAS (D) (b.1/2/80) was elected to the Assembly in 2018 and sworn in as Speaker of the Assembly on June 30th, 2023. At the time of his election, he was serving his second term on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, first winning office in 2010. He began his career as a district representative for Asm. Simon Salinas, and later worked for Asm. Anna Caballero, who endorsed Rivas in the 2018 election to succeed her. Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors, he was a senior clerk for Monterey County.  A one-time on-call Hollister firefighter, he served as a career/job training coordinator at San Benito High School and as an adjunct professor at Gavilan College. He attended Gavilan and holds a bachelor's in public policy from CSU-Sacramento and a master’s in public administration from San Jose State University. He resides in Hollister with his wife, Christen, and their young daughter.

$45,921 Robert Rivas for Assembly 2020 1414711
$19,400 CA Teachers Assn/Assn for Better Citizenship SCC 741941
$19,400 CA State Council of Service Employees SCC 831628
$19,400 SEIU United Healthcare Workers West PAC SCC 747285
$18,100 Assn of CA School Administrators PAC SCC 842151
$17,900 Peace Officers Research Assn of CA PAC (PORAC PAC) SCC 810830
$17,500 CA State Assn of Electrical Workers SCC 743107
$16,200 CA Nurses Assn PAC (CNA-PAC) SCC 780657
$14,550 CA State Council of Laborers PAC SCC 902770
$12,000 CA Real Estate PAC (CREPAC) SCC 890106
$10,700 Prof Engineers in CA Govt PECG-PAC SCC 822501
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Common Sense Chapter 1424659
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Golden Gate Chapter 1425929
$9,800 CA Correctional Peace Officers Assn PAC 830349
$9,800 CA Chamber of Commerce PAC AKA ChamberPAC 950352
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Oakland Chapter 1420855
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Palo Alto Chapter 1416422
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - San Fernando Valley Chapter 1420465
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Santa Barbara Chapter 1435804
$9,800 Consumer Attorneys of CA PAC 760231
$9,800 Govern for CA Courage Cmte - Marin Chapter 1435894
$9,800 Operating Engineers Local No. 3 Statewide PAC SCC 981697
$9,800 GFC Courage Cmte - Hollywood Chapter 1416424
$9,800 International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Political Action Together Legislative Education Cmte (IUPAT) 1414164
$9,800 Govern for CA Courage Cmte 1392639
$9,700 Northern CA Carpenters Regional Council PAC SCC 972104
$9,700 Cal Fire Local 2881 Small Contributor PAC 790318
$9,700 State Building and Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$9,400 Ford Motor Company Civic Action Fund 761070
$9,400 Doctors Company PAC, The AKA DOCPAC 923140
$9,000 CA Assn of Highway Patrolmen PAC SCC 802001
$8,400 CALPAC - CA Medical Assn PAC 742617
$8,000 PACE - Political Action for Classified Employees of CA School Employees Assn SCC 761128
$7,900 CA Hospital Assn PAC Sponsored by CA Assn of Hospitals and Health Systems (CAHHS) 790773
$7,900 United Nurses Assn of CA/Union of Healthcare Profs PAC (UNAC PAC) SCC 1295768
$7,800 CA Dental Assn PAC (CDA PAC) 742855
$7,400 CA New Car Dealer Assn PAC 741623
$7,350 CA Building Industry Assn PAC 890483
$6,900 CA Bankers Assn State PAC 742694
$6,500 CA Defense Counsel PAC 850665
$6,400 CAns Allied for Patient Protection PAC 920780
$6,000 CA Prof Firefighters PAC SCC 744058
$5,700 Faculty for Our Universitys Future, a Cmte Sponsored by the CA Faculty Assn SCC 850007
$5,500 CA Fuels & Convenience Alliance PAC 760982
$5,000 CA State Pipe Trades Council PAC SCC 743895
$5,000 IBEW Local Union 1245 Executive Board PAC 742993
$5,000 CA Federation of Teachers COPE SCC 741857
$5,000 Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 521 Candidate PAC SCC 1297708
$5,000 CA Chiropractic Assn PAC 742986
$5,000 Southern CA Pipe Trades District Council #16 PAC SCC 760715
$4,900 CAns for Safer Neighborhoods 1445789
$4,900 AFSCME Local 3299 Issues PAC 1381381
$4,900 CA Apartment Assn PAC 745208
$4,900 Sheet Metal Workers International Assn Local #104 PAC 850381
$4,900 GFC Courage Cmte - Los Angeles Chapter 1416442
$4,900 Union of American Physicians & Dentists SCC 1356185
$4,900 CA Water Service Company (Cal Water) 482501
$4,900 GFC Courage Cmte - East Bay Chapter 1416434
$4,900 CA Optometric PAC AKA CAL-OPAC 745825
$4,900 CA Family Beer Distributors Assn PAC 1436323
$4,900 CAns for Jobs and a Strong Economy 1275549
$4,900 CA Cattlemens Assn PAC (CATTLE-PAC) 760980
$4,900 American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees - CA People SCC 960772
$4,900 CA Farm Bureau Federation Fund to Protect the Family Farm (Farm PAC) 760960
$4,900 United Domestic Workers of America Action Fund SCC 1302384
$4,900 CA Assn of Health Plans PAC 950541
$4,500 Personal Insurance Federation of CA Agents & Employees PAC 1338487
$4,500 Dairy Institute Legislative Cmte 741436
$4,500 Disability Action Cmte, Sponsored by Assn of CA Life & Health Insurance Companies 1252379
$4,000 GFC Courage Cmte - San Francisco Chapter 1416440
$4,000 Associated General Contractors PAC of CA (AGC/PAC) 940906
$4,000 GFC Courage Cmte - Santa Clara Chapter 1416428
$4,000 CA Mortgage Assn PAC 990462
$4,000 Trout Political Action Cmte (TROUTPAC) 861445
$4,000 Latino Counties of CA Caucus PAC 1432932
$4,000 Western United Dairies PAC 771500
$3,950 CA Almond Industry PAC, Sponsored by The Almond Alliance of CA 1365388
$3,500 GFC Courage Cmte - Future Generations Chapter 1416436
$3,500 GFC Courage Cmte - Santa Cruz Chapter 1416438
$3,500 TechNet Political Action Cmte 970849
$3,500 Caterpillar, Inc. PAC (CATPAC) (FEC ID#C00148031) 1307878
$3,500 CA Statewide Law Enforcement Assn PAC 970375
$3,000 Wells Fargo and Company Employee PAC (aka Wells Fargo Employee PAC) (Fed PAC ID C00034595) 1333483
$3,000 CA Veterinary Medical Assn PAC 771044
$3,000 21st Century Alliance Good Govt PAC 1439959
$3,000 Climate Safe CA PAC/Tides Advocacy 1443088
$3,000 SMART - Transportation Division PAC 745910
$3,000 The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. PAC 930174
$3,000 Associated General Contractors PAC of CA (AGC/PAC) 890194
$3,000 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) PAC 782143
$3,000 CA Conference Board Amalgamated Transit Union SCC 761357
$3,000 American Property Casualty Insurance Assn CA PAC 830078
$3,000 Ind Insurance PAC, sponsored by Ind Insurance Agents and Brokers of CA 743103
$3,000 GFC Courage Cmte - Southern CA Chapter 1435445
$2,900 Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund - SCC 851452
$2,700 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 PAC 1312649
$2,500 Farmers Group, Inc. Employees and Agents PAC SCC 1343619
$2,500 CA YIMBY Victory Fund 1401346
$2,500 Eli Lilly and Company PAC 990321
$2,500 Honeywell International PAC (FED PAC ID #C00096156) 1372848
$2,500 CA Credit Union League PAC 760225
$2,500 DentaQuest PAC-TN-C 1408990
$2,500 United Parcel Service Inc. PAC (FEC ID#C00064766) 1377592
$2,500 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Assn of America PAC 1282378
$2,450 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn - SCC 1233793
$2,450 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn PAC 746189
$2,000 Biocom CA PAC 963088
$2,000 Blue Diamond Growers PAC 771333
$2,000 CA Assn of Psychiatric Technicians, Inc. PAC (CAPT PAC) SCC 882070
$2,000 CA Cable & Telecommunications Assn PAC 745932
$2,000 The CA Society of Certified Public Accountants PAC 782601
$2,000 CA Ind Telephone PAC 771171
$2,000 CARGO PAC - Concerned Americans for Responsible Govt sponsored by The CA Trucking Assn 760458
$2,000 FairPAC, Sponsored by the Civil Justice Assn of CA 1311499
$2,000 Housing Contractors of CA PAC 1263100
$2,000 CA Water Assn PAC 890906
$2,000 United Domestic Workers of America Action Fund Ind Expenditure PAC 1367550
$2,000 The Home Depot, Inc. PAC (Fed PAC ID C00284885) 1409634
$2,000 Equality CA PAC 1254010
$1,521 CA Forestry Assn PAC 761244
$1,500 Milk Producers Council PAC 744692
$1,500 CA Assn of Winegrape Growers State PAC 801893
$1,500 CA Beer and Beverage Distributors Community Affairs 761487
$1,500 Bank of America Corporation State and Fed PAC (FED ID #C00043489) 1357000
$1,500 CA Cardroom Alliance IE PAC 1245177
$1,500 CA Hotel and Lodging Assn PAC 760808
$1,500 Enterprise Holdings, Inc. PAC - FEDPAC ID# C00219642 992324
$1,000 Pacific Assn of Domestic Insurance Companies PAC (PADIC-PAC) 1350983
$1,000 CA State Retirees PAC SCC 1302173
$1,000 DGA-PAC, The Political Action Cmte of The Directors Guild of America, Inc. 1248777
$1,000 Novolex Holdings, LLC Responsible Govt Fund PAC 1358052
$1,000 Support K-12 Adult Education 1423168
$1,000 CA Staffing Profs PAC 791058
$1,000 Re-Elect Fiona Ma for State Treasurer 2022 1414254
$1,000 CA Assn of Health Facilities PAC 741816
$1,000 State Coalition of Probation Organizations PAC 911856
$1,000 Comerica, Inc. PAC (FEC ID: C00393173) 1260867
$1,000 Standing Cmte on Political Education of the CA Labor Federation AFL-CIO SCC 741504
$1,000 National Assn of Insurance and Financial Advisors CA PAC 743365
$975 Democratic Womens Club of Santa Cruz County 1306050
$524 Wine Institute CA PAC 1277874
$500 CA Business Properties Assn PAC 850288
$500 Political Action League for Monterey/Santa Cruz Building & Construction Trades Council 850048
$500 CA Physical Therapy PAC 780079
$500 Recording Industry Assn of America CA PAC 943103
$500 CA Machinists Non Partisan Political League 761035
$250 CA Sierra Club PAC 1399719
$250 San Benito County Democratic Central Cmte 742417
$214 Juan Carrillo for Assembly 2022 1443329
$100 Sheet Metal Workers 104 District 2 SCC 882292
$100 John Varela for Santa Clara Valley Water District Board #1 2018 1406984

Campaign 2020

Election Results

March Top-Two Primary
Robert Rivas D 64,086 69.36%
Gregory G Swett R 28,308 30.64%
November General Election
Robert Rivas D 123,617 69.63%
Gregory G Swett R 53,928 30.37%


This is a safe Democratic district. Incumbent Democrat Robert Rivas was the top vote-getter in the primary, receiving 69.4%. Republican Gregory Swett, a walnut farmer and president of the Willow Grove school board, received 30.6%.

Swett’s campaign committee raised and spent just $1,034 over the entire election, and Rivas was re-elected 68.6%/30.4% in November.

Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Conference Endorsement (Primary): Rivas, Robert
Democratic Party Primary Endorsement: Rivas, Robert


RIVAS FOR ASSEMBLY 2020; ROBERT $2,039 $0 $852,014 $46,250 $895,668 $0 2021-06-30
SWETT FOR ASSEMBLY 2020 $-66 $0 $1,034 $22 $1,034 $0 2020-11-17

Candidate Filing Status

Robert Rivas D 2019-11-12 2019-12-02 SAN BENITO
David Clink R 2019-11-27 SANTA CRUZ
Gregory Swett R 2019-11-19 2019-12-06 SAN BENITO

Primary Election - March 3, 2020

Robert Rivas D State Assemblymember
Gregory Swett R Walnut Grower/Trustee

November 3rd General Election Results


233,945 Registered Voters (2020-10-19)
D: 120,751 (51.62%) | R: 47,390 (20.26%) | NPP: 53,932 (23.05%)

D +31.36%

245 of 245 precincts in (0 added)

177,545 votes cast (74 added)
75.89% Voter Turnout

NAME PARTY VOTES Δ % Rank Last Votes Behind
Robert Rivas
State Assemblymember
DEM 123,617 +56 69.63% 1 1
Gregory Swett
Walnut Grower/Trustee
REP 53,928 +18 30.37% 2 2 -69,689



ROBERT RIVAS (D) (b.1/2/80) was elected to the Assembly in 2018 and sworn in as Speaker of the Assembly on June 30th, 2023. At the time of his election, he was serving his second term on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, first winning office in 2010. He began his career as a district representative for Asm. Simon Salinas, and later worked for Asm. Anna Caballero, who endorsed Rivas in the 2018 election to succeed her. Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors, he was a senior clerk for Monterey County.  A one-time on-call Hollister firefighter, he served as a career/job training coordinator at San Benito High School and as an adjunct professor at Gavilan College. He attended Gavilan and holds a bachelor's in public policy from CSU-Sacramento and a master’s in public administration from San Jose State University. He resides in Hollister with his wife, Christen, and their young daughter.

$18,600 CA State Council of Service Employees (SEIU) SCC 831628
$13,900 Standing Cmte on Political Education of the CA Labor Federation, AFL-CIO SCC 741504
$11,300 CA Real Estate PAC (CREPAC) - CA Assn of Realtors SCC 890106
$11,300 CA Assn of Highway Patrolmen PAC SCC 802001
$11,250 Faculty for Our Universitys Future, A Cmte Sponsored by the CA Faculty Assn SCC 850007
$9,400 CA Dental Assn PAC 742855
$9,400 Govern for CA Courage Cmte 1392639
$9,400 CA New Car Dealers Assn PAC 741623
$9,400 Consumer Attorneys PAC 760231
$9,400 Doctors Company PAC, The AKA DOCPAC 923140
$9,300 Peace Officers Research Assn of CA PAC (PORAC PAC) SCC 810830
$8,200 CA Correctional Peace Officers Assn (CCPOA) PAC 830349
$8,000 Prof Engineers in CA Govt PECG-PAC 822501
$7,500 CA State Pipe Trades Council Political Action Fund SCC 743895
$7,500 CA State Assn of Electrical Workers SCC 743107
$7,000 United Nurses Assn of CA/Union of Health Care Profs PAC SCC (UNAC PAC) 1295768
$6,500 GFC Courage Cmte-Los Angeles Chapter 1416442
$6,500 GFC Courage Cmte-San Francisco Chapter 1416440
$6,500 Personal Insurance Federation of CA Agents and Employee PAC (PIFC PAC) 1338487
$6,000 CA Prof Firefighters PAC SCC 744058
$5,700 CA Bankers Assn State PAC 742694
$5,000 CA Nurses Assn PAC (CNA-PAC) SCC 780657
$5,000 CA Federation of Teachers COPE SCC 741857
$4,800 Chamber PAC SCC 1275328
$4,700 CA YIMBY Victory Fund 1401346
$4,700 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn PAC 746189
$4,700 Bay Area Legislative Leaders PAC 1377585
$4,700 IUPAT Political Action Together Legislative Educational Cmte 1242103
$4,700 CA State Council of Laborers - SCC 902770
$4,700 Americas Physician Groups CA PAC 990463
$4,700 Operating Engineers Local No. 3 Statewide PAC SCC 981697
$4,700 SEIU Local 2015 State PAC Small Contributor Commitee 1374983
$4,700 Western Manufactured Housing Communities Assn PAC 742422
$4,650 American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees-CA People SCC 960772
$4,650 SEIU United Healthcare Workers West PAC SCC 747285
$4,000 CA Pawnbrokers Assn PAC 743255
$4,000 CA Building Industry Assn PAC 890483
$4,000 CAns Allied for Patient Protection PAC (CAPP PAC) 920780
$4,000 CA Assn of Psychiatric Technicians, Inc. PAC SCC 882070
$4,000 GFC Courage Cmte - Santa Clara Chapter 1416428
$3,500 PACE of CA School Employees Assn-Local, State, Fed Candidates SCC 1325942
$3,500 GFC Courage Cmte - Santa Cruz Chapter 1416438
$3,000 Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC 743579
$3,000 CA Beer & Beverage Distributors Community Affairs 761487
$3,000 Associated General Contractors PAC 890194
$3,000 CA Defense Counsel PAC 850665
$3,000 CA Medical Assn PAC 742617
$3,000 CA Hospital Assn PAC 790773
$2,506 Service Employees International Union Local 521 Candidate PAC SCC 1297708
$2,500 Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund SCC 851452
$2,500 Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers Local 1936 COPE (PVFT) 1271175
$2,500 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 PAC 1312649
$2,500 National Union of Healthcare Workers Candidate Cmte for Quality Patient Care and Union Democracy 1318200
$2,500 GFC Courage Cmte-East Bay Chapter 1416434
$2,500 Farmers Group Inc Employees and Agents PAC - SCC 1343619
$2,500 GFC Courage Cmte-Palo Alto Chapter 1416422
$2,500 CA Refuse Recycling Council South PAC 761465
$2,000 American Council of Engineering Companies CA PAC 782143
$2,000 CA Ind Telephone PAC 771171
$2,000 Wine Institute CA PAC 1277874
$2,000 Assn of CA School Administrators PAC SCC 842151
$2,000 The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. PAC 930174
$2,000 CA Veterinary Medical Assn PAC 771044
$2,000 Construction Employers Assn PAC 990629
$2,000 Political Action for Classified Employees of CA School Employees SCC 761128
$2,000 CA Restaurant Assn PAC 890231
$2,000 Cargo PAC CA Trucking Assn 760458
$1,750 CA League of Conservation Voters State Cmte 743094
$1,500 CA Conference Board Amalgamated Transit Union SCC 761357
$1,500 Democratic Women of Monterey County 1282023
$1,500 TechNet PAC 970849
$1,500 CA Nations Indian Gaming Assn-Sovereignty Protection Fund 1266480
$1,500 Political Action League for Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties Building & Construction Trades Council SCC 850048
$1,500 McDonalds CA Operators PAC 782257
$1,500 CA State Fire Fighters Assn PAC SCC 746229
$1,500 CA Academy of Eye Physicians & Surgeons PAC 980331
$1,500 Bank of America State and Fed PAC 1357000
$1,500 Dairy Institute Legislative Cmte 741436
$1,500 CA Mortgage Bankers Assn PAC 890152
$1,500 CitiGroup, Inc. PAC - State (CITI PAC) 1280730
$1,500 Comerica, Inc. PAC 1260867
$1,250 SUNPAC - CA Solar Energy Industries Assn 961083
$1,250 Solar Energy Industries Assn CA PAC 1327739
$1,200 Calfornia Financial Services Assn PAC 881022
$1,000 Affordable Housing PAC 1349036
$1,000 American Beverage Assn CA PAC 1344506
$1,000 Edvoice for the Kids PAC 1243091
$1,000 Laborers Local Union 270 PAC SCC 901351
$1,000 Eli Lilly and Company PAC 990321
$1,000 CA Almond Industry PAC Sponsored by the Almond Alliance of CA 1365388
$1,000 The Council of Concerned Women Voters 1226327
$1,000 Family Business PAC 1365285
$1,000 Retired Public Employees Assn - Legislative Action Organization 870166
$1,000 State Building and Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$1,000 Recreation PAC 831498
$1,000 Ind Insurance PAC (IIPAC) 743103
$1,000 National Assn of Insurance & Financial Advisors/CA PAC 743365
$1,000 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company PAC 1338355
$1,000 Cal Fire Local 2881 PAC SCC 790318
$1,000 CA Mortgage Assn PAC 990462
$1,000 Cannabis Action PAC 1365391
$1,000 CA Optometric PAC 745825
$1,000 CA Statewide Law Enforcement Assn PAC (CSLEA) 970375
$1,000 GFC Courage Cmte - Hollywood Chapter 1416424
$1,000 CA Assn of Health Facilities PAC 741816
$1,000 CA Assn of Collectors PAC 790689
$1,000 CA Construction & Industrial Material Assn (CALCIMA) PAC 1299236
$1,000 CAns for Jobs and a Strong Economy 1275549
$1,000 Emergency Medical PAC 771066
$950 CA Forestry Associaiton PAC 761244
$500 CAns Allied for Patient Protection Issues PAC (CAPP PAC) 920784
$500 United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Western States Council PAC SCC 910874
$500 Los Angeles County Waste Management Assn PAC 1244807
$500 CA Chiropractic Assn PAC 742986
$250 CA Physical Therapy PAC (CAL-PT-PAC) 780079
$234 IBEW Local 234 PAC 1316529
$150 Medina for Supervisor 2016 1382676
$100 John Varela for Santa Clara Valley Water District Board #12018 1406984

GREGORY GORDON SWETT (R), 66, owns and operates Swett Orchards, a 336-acre walnut farming business, and currently serves as president of the Walnut Grove school board in San Benito County. He earned his bachelor's in business from UC-Berkeley in 1975 and resides in Paicines.



Campaign 2018

Election Results

June Top-Two Primary
Robert Rivas D 30,379 45.48%
Neil Kitchens R 20,099 30.09%
Peter Leroe-Munoz D 7,099 10.63%
Trina Coffman-Gomez D 5,003 7.49%
Bill Lipe D 4,217 6.31%
November General Election
Robert Rivas D 83,162 68.23%
Neil Kitchens R 38,719 31.77%


Anna Caballero was first elected under the pre-2012 term limits rules, and 2017-2018 marked her third and final term permitted in the lower chamber. She  successfully ran for the SD12 seat Republican Anthony Cannella vacated due to term limits.

Four Democrats and one Republican ran in the primary to succeed her. The top vote-getter in the primary was San Benito County Supervisor Robert Rivas, a Democrat who previously worked as a field representative for Caballero. Rivas was endorsed by the CA Democratic Party and raised over $500,000 ahead of the primary, finishing first with 45.48% of the vote. Two independent expenditure groups that usually find themselves backing the same candidate were at odds here, with education reform group EdVoice spending $323,000 to support Rivas, while Coalition to Restore California’s Middle Class, an IE funded by the petroleum industry, spent about the same amount opposing him. Rivas was instrumental in the passage of San Benito’s Measure J, which banned fracking in the county in 2014. Rivas drew additional support from several labor-backed IEs that collectively spent another $300,000 supporting him. Republican Neil Kitchens, despite raising and spending no money, outpolled the other three Democrats by virtue of being the sole GOP candidate on the ballot, winning 30.09%.

Gilroy Councilman Peter Leroe-Munoz raised and spent $130,000 and came in 3rd with 10.63% of the vote, Watsonville City Council member Trina Coffman-Gomez reported raising no money and finished fourth with 7.49%, and Monterey Farm Bureau member Bill Lipe, who raised $155,000 (including $50,000 from his own pocket), came in 5th with 6.31% of the vote. 

With Kitchens continuing to report no financial activity after the primary, Rivas coasted to an easy 68.2%/31.8% win in November.

Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Conference Endorsement (Primary): Rivas, Robert
Democratic Party Primary Endorsement: Rivas, Robert


CERVANTEZ ALEJO FOR ASSEMBLY 2018; KARINA $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $2,393 $7,536 2019-12-31
COFFMAN-GOMEZ FOR ASSEMBLY 2018; TRINA $0 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0
LEROE-MUNOZ FOR ASSEMBLY 2018; PETER $-377 $0 $167,171 $2,122 $242,271 $0 2019-12-31
LIPE FOR ASSEMBLY 2018; BILL $0 $0 $521,766 $879 $313,350 $0 2022-12-31
RIVAS FOR ASSEMBLY 2018; ROBERT $16,013 $0 $905,204 $-31,192 $1,113,341 $0 2021-06-30

Candidate Filing Status

Trina Coffman-Gomez D 2017-12-01 2017-12-15 2018-02-12 2018-03-05 SANTA CRUZ
Peter Leroe-Munoz D 2018-02-23 2018-03-07 SANTA CLARA
Bill Lipe D 2018-03-05 2018-03-08 MONTEREY
Robert Rivas D 2018-01-11 2018-02-07 2018-03-09 2018-03-09 SAN BENITO
Neil Gerald Kitchens R 2018-03-05 2018-03-08 MONTEREY
Nathan Mallamace R 2018-01-22 2018-02-06 SANTA CLARA

Primary Election - June 5, 2018

Trina Coffman-Gomez D Councilmember/Independent Businesswoman
Peter Leroe-Munoz D Councilman/Legal Officer
Bill Lipe D Policy Manager
Robert Rivas D County Supervisor/Educator
Neil G Kitchens R Businessman/Rancher

November 6th General Election Results


203,190 Registered Voters (2018-10-22)
D: 100,631 (49.53%) | R: 41,081 (20.22%) | NPP: 53,394 (26.28%)

D +29.31%

260 of 260 precincts in (0 added)

121,881 votes cast (14 added)
59.98% Voter Turnout

NAME PARTY VOTES Δ % Rank Last Votes Behind
Robert Rivas
County Supervisor/Educator
DEM 83,162 +9 68.23% 1 1
Neil G. Kitchens
REP 38,719 +5 31.77% 2 2 -44,443



PETER LEROE-MUÑOZ is an attorney and member of the Gilroy City Council (first elected Nov. 2010). He filed to run for this seat in 2016, but dropped out and endorsed Anna Caballero shortly after she entered the race. Prior to his election to the council, he served five years as a San Benito County deputy district attorney before moving to a San Francisco-based finance firm. A Bay Area native, he received a bachelor's in Political Science from UC Berkeley and his J.D. from Harvard Law School.


TRINA COFFMAN-GOMEZ (D), 53, was elected to Watsonville's City Council in 2012, running unopposed for the vacant 6th Council District seat created when Emilio Martinez declined to seek re-election. (Her husband, Tony, had run for the same seat in 2008, finishing 3rd.) She was re-elected by 19 votes in a close 49.9%/49% contest. Prior to her election, she served on the city's planning commission for two years and as the president of Freedom Rotary. A licensed real estate broker with Integrity Lending since 1993, she holds a bachelor's in business from CSU-Monterey Bar. A life-long resident of the Pajaro Valley, she serves on the Pajaro Valley Community Health Trust Board of Directors and resides in Watsonville with her husband. They have two grown children.


ROBERT RIVAS (D) (b.1/2/80) was elected to the Assembly in 2018 and sworn in as Speaker of the Assembly on June 30th, 2023. At the time of his election, he was serving his second term on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, first winning office in 2010. He began his career as a district representative for Asm. Simon Salinas, and later worked for Asm. Anna Caballero, who endorsed Rivas in the 2018 election to succeed her. Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors, he was a senior clerk for Monterey County.  A one-time on-call Hollister firefighter, he served as a career/job training coordinator at San Benito High School and as an adjunct professor at Gavilan College. He attended Gavilan and holds a bachelor's in public policy from CSU-Sacramento and a master’s in public administration from San Jose State University. He resides in Hollister with his wife, Christen, and their young daughter.

$17,600 American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees-CA People SCC 960772
$17,600 Northern CA Carpenters Regional Council SCC 972104
$17,600 CA Federation Of Teachers COPE SCC 741857
$17,600 CA State Council of Laborers SCC 902770
$17,600 CA State Council of Service Employees SCC 831628
$13,200 CA Teachers Assn/Assn for Better Citizenship SCC 741941
$9,800 Prof Engineers in CA Govt (PECG-PAC) SCC 822501
$8,800 CA Apartment Assn PAC 745208
$8,800 Govern for CA Courage Cmte 1392639
$8,800 CA Real Estate PAC - CA Assn of Realtors SCC 890106
$8,800 Service Employees International Union United Healthcare Workers West PAC SCC 747285
$8,800 Consumer Attorneys PAC 760231
$8,800 Doctors Company PAC, The AKA DOCPAC 923140
$8,800 CAns for Jobs and a Strong Economy 1275549
$8,800 CA Nurses Assn PAC (CNA-PAC) SCC 780657
$8,500 CA League of Conservation Voters SCC 1233721
$8,301 CAns Allied for Patient Protection PAC 920780
$7,400 CA Prof Firefighters PAC SCC 744058
$7,000 Service Employees International Union Local 521 Candidate PAC SCC 1297708
$7,000 Political Action for Classified Employees of CA School Employees SCC 761128
$6,400 CA Dental Assn PAC (CDA PAC) 742855
$6,000 Assn of CA School Administrators PAC SCC 842151
$4,400 Consumer Attorneys of CA SCC 1343340
$4,400 Western Manufactured Housing Communities Assn PAC 742422
$4,400 CA Pharmacists PAC 1291777
$4,400 CAPG Physician Group PAC 990463
$4,400 State Building and Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$4,400 National Union of Healthcare Workers Candidate Cmte 1318200
$4,400 CA Laborers for Equality and Progress SCC 781984
$4,400 CA Farm Bureau Federation Fund To Protect The Family Farm (FARMPAC) 760960
$4,400 Local Societies of the CA Optometric Assn PAC 950393
$4,400 Cooperative of American Physicians State PAC 760951
$4,000 Laborers Local Union 270 PAC SCC 901351
$3,500 Edvoice For The Kids PAC 1243091
$3,000 CA Defense Counsel PAC 850665
$2,500 Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers (PVFT) COPE Local 1936 1271175
$2,500 Farmers Employees & Agents PAC 901422
$2,500 CA New Car Dealers Assn PAC 741623
$2,500 CA Medical Assn PAC 742617
$2,500 Chamber PAC SCC 1275328
$2,476 Wine Institute CA PAC 1277874
$2,000 CA Assn of Prof Scientists (CAPS-PAC) 860894
$2,000 CA Permanente Medical Groups PAC 992303
$2,000 CA Refuse Recycling Council North PAC 923445
$2,000 Blue Diamond Growers PAC 771333
$1,500 American Insurance Assn PAC 871697
$1,500 Medical Insurance Exchange of CA PAC 1323065
$1,484 CA Forestry Assn PAC 761244
$1,087 The National United Farm Worker PAC (UFW-NPAC) 782630
$1,000 Miguel Santiago for Assembly 2018 1392439
$1,000 Political Action League for Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties Building & Construction Trades Council 850048
$1,000 Laura Friedman for Assembly 2018 1392556
$1,000 Glazer for Senate 2020 1393610
$1,000 Blanca Rubio for Assembly 2018 1393364
$1,000 Democratic Women of Monterey County 1282023
$1,000 John A Perez for Lieutenant Governor 2022 1398388
$1,000 CA Pawnbrokers Assn PAC 743255
$1,000 Equality CA PAC 1254010
$1,000 Assn of CA State Supervisors PAC 1303937
$1,000 CA Sierra Club PAC 1399719
$1,000 Santa Clara & San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council PAC 743618
$1,000 Sheet Metal Workers International Assn Local No. 104 PAC 850381
$1,000 Deputy Sheriffs Assn of Santa Clara County PAC 871251
$1,000 CA Chiropractic Assn PAC 742986
$1,000 CA Bankers Assn State PAC 742694
$1,000 Personal Insurance Federation of CA Agents & Employees PAC 1338487
$1,000 Re-Elect Scott Weiner for State Senate 2020 1392654
$500 Fernando L Armenta Sr. for County Supervisor 990733
$500 Bill Dodd for Senate 2020 1392482
$500 Transparent Silicon Valley 1401777
$500 Bloom for Assembly 2018 1392468
$500 Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers 1291421
$308 CA Democratic Party 741666
$100 Tate for Mayor 1286184

BILL LIPE (D) serves on the Board of the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, on the Monterey County Farm Bureau, and was appointed to the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County in 2017. Prior to its acquisition by Pinnacle Agriculture Holdings, Lipe was a partner and CFO for NH3 Service Company, which specialized in agricultural inputs for fresh fruits and vegetables. He is currently an Operations Lead for the company. The author of a 2015 op-ed defending energy production in California, he resides in Salinas.


NEIL KITCHENS (R) is the CEO of TNK Properties and the principal of the NGK Group. He previously ran in 2018 for AD30, reporting no campaign finance activity, and received 31.8% in the November election. A Republican activist involved in the Latinos for Trump Coalition and CD20 Republican Casey Lucius' unsuccessful 2016 campaign, he operates a real estate investment company with residential and commercial interests. Born in Mount Ida, Arkansas, he graduated from Redan High School in Stone Mountain Georgia. He holds an associate's in Criminal Justice from Hartnell College and a JD from Monterey College of Law. He resides in Prunedale.


Campaign 2016

Election Results

June Top-Two Primary
Anna Caballero D 37,505 46.15%
Karina Cervantez Alejo D 21,158 26.03%
Georgia Acosta R 12,662 15.58%
John M. Nevill R 9,949 12.24%
November General Election
Anna Caballero D 79,885 62.47%
Karina Cervantez Alejo D 47,998 37.53%


Incumbent Democrat Luis Alejo was termed out and successfully ran for Monterey County Supervisor, opening up a seat in a safe Democratic district. Karina Cervantez Alejo, the wife of the incumbent and a member of the Watsonville City Council, entered the race early on, collecting the endorsements of most of the California Democratic Party establishment and presiding over a sizable fundraising haul. Following the retirement of Democratic Rep. Sam Farr in CD20 in the late fall of 2015, there was speculation that Anna Caballero, a moderate Democratic former 2-term member of the Assembly and member of Gov. Brown's administration, would run for his seat. To the surprise of many observers, she instead decided to seek a 3rd and final term here. Her fundraising got off to an inauspicious start, raising only $24,000 by the end of 2015 compared to the $237,000 Cervantez Alejo had banked.

 The New Year brought with it a change of fortune, however, and Cervantez Alejo's fundraising dropped off while Caballero's surged. With the primary approaching, Cervantez Alejo had burned through her reserves, and her war chest dwindled to $152,000 while Caballero's climbed to $94,000. Polling released by Caballero's campaign reflected the turnaround, with the results placing her squarely in the lead. In early April, the Parent Teacher Alliance, an independent expenditure group sponsored by the California Charter Schools Association Advocates, began a steady parallel campaign to support Caballero, spending over $900,000 over the next two months. Equality California spent another $70,000 supporting her. As the money flooded into the race, Cervantez Alejo's labor allies made a late mobilization effort in the final two weeks, launching an IE that spent $59,000 supporting her and spending another $78,000 opposing Caballero. By the time the polls opened, close to $1.2 million in independent expenditures had been deployed. While there were also two Republicans in the race, neither reported raising any significant funds, and the two cannibalized one another's votes. Once the results were in, Caballero came out on top by a comfortable margin, raising $339,000 and winning 46.15%. Cervantez Alejo trailed far behind, raising $368,000 and finishing with 26.03%. Republicans Georgia Acosta, an agriculture business owner who raised $15,000, finished 3rd with 15.58%, while Republican rancher John Nevill, who raised nothing, finished with 12.24%.

After Caballero's strong performance in the primary, spending in the general election tapered off, with the Parent Teacher Alliance IE responsible for $616,000 of the $705,000 in total independent expenditures, and Cervantez Alejo receiving just $10,000 in supporting spending from the Peace Officers Research Association of California. In the end, Caballero defeated Cervantez Alejo by a decisive 62.47%/37.53% margin in the general election.

 With Caballero termed out in two years, Cervantez Alejo has filed a statement of intention to seek this seat again in 2018. Final turnout in the primary was 48.72%, while 65.43% of the district's registered voters cast a ballot for this race in November.


CERVANTEZ ALEJO FOR ASSEMBLY 2016; KARINA $0 $0 $465,810 $715 $469,655 $0 2017-10-15
NEVILL 4 ASSEMBLY 2016 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
CABALLERO FOR ASSEMBLY 2016; ANNA $14,631 $0 $657,571 $4,641 $671,908 $0 2017-05-30
ACOSTA FOR ASSEMBLY 2016 $850 $0 $16,273 $2,196 $16,273 $0 2016-06-30



ANNA CABALLERO previously served two terms in the Assembly from 2006 until 2010. In 2010, Caballero gave up her Assembly seat to run for State Senate, but ultimately lost to Anthony Cannella (see SD12). After her defeat, she sought a job with Governor Brown's administration and was appointed secretary of the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency in 2011 until she stepped down in November 2015. Caballero moved to the Salinas Valley in 1979 and worked as a lawyer representing farm workers at California Rural Legal Assistance for three years before she and two of her colleagues formed the law firm of Caballero, Matcham & McCarthy. In 1986, she was appointed to the Salinas Planning Commission and served there for five years before being elected to the Salinas City Council in 1991. In 1998, she was elected Mayor of Salinas, and served in that capacity until her election to the Assembly. She holds a bachelor's in Sociology from UC-San Diego and a JD from UCLA. Her husband, Juan Uranga, is the director for Community Advocacy in Salinas. They have three grown children.  

$10,500 CA Nurses Assn PAC (CNA PAC) SCC 780657
$8,500 Prof Engineers in CA Govt PAC (PECG-PAC) SCC 822501
$8,500 CA Real Estate PAC (CREPAC) - CA Assn of Realtors SCC 890106
$8,500 CA State Council of Laborers SCC 902770
$8,400 The Doctors Company PAC 923140
$5,546 FairPAC, Sponsored by the Civil Justice Assn of CA 1311499
$5,200 Equality CA PAC 1254010
$5,000 Democratic Women of Monterey County 1282023
$5,000 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council Candidate PAC SCC (UFCW) 910874
$4,500 CA Assisted Living Assn PAC 1247506
$4,247 CA Prof Firefighters SCC PAC 744058
$4,200 Laborers Local Union 270 PAC SCC 901351
$4,200 FarmPAC 760960
$4,200 CAns for Jobs and a Strong Economy PAC 1275549
$4,200 CA Correctioanl Peace Officer Assn (CCPOA) PAC 830349
$4,200 CA Apartment Assn PAC 745208
$4,200 Charter Schools PAC 1302433
$4,000 EdVoice for the Kids PAC 1243091
$4,000 Western Manufactured Housing Communities Assn PAC 742422
$3,118 CA Forestry Assn PAC 761244
$2,500 CAns Allied for Patient Protection PAC 920780
$2,500 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Assn of America PAC 1282378
$2,500 CA Assn of Health Facilities PAC 741816
$2,000 CA Bankers Assn State PAC 742694
$2,000 Associated Builders and Contractors Northern CA Chapter PAC 901313
$2,000 Ind Insurance PAC (IIPAC) 743103
$2,000 ChamberPAC SCC, Sponsored by CA Chamber of Commerce 1275328
$2,000 Cooperative of American Physicians State PAC 760951
$2,000 CA Defense Counsel PAC 850665
$2,000 Associated General Contractors PAC 890194
$1,099 Watsonville Regional Airport Promotion 1222091
$1,000 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn PAC (CAAA PAC) 746189
$1,000 Western Electrical Contractors Assn, Inc. Good Govt PAC 991225
$1,000 Pacific Assn of Domestic Insurance Companies PAC (PADIC-PAC) 1350983
$1,000 American Insurance Assocation PAC 871697
$1,000 CA Business Properties Assn PAC (CBPA-PAC) 850288
$1,000 Assn of CA Insurance Companies PAC 830078
$1,000 CA Chamber of Commerce PAC (CHAMBERPAC) 950352
$1,000 Women in Power (WIP) PAC 1326620
$1,000 Construction Employers Assn PAC 990629
$1,000 American Council of Engineering Companies PAC (ACEC) 782143
$1,000 CA Hospital Assn PAC, Sponsored by CA Assn of Hospital and Health Systems (CAHHS) 790773
$800 Democratic Activists for Women Now (DAWN) PAC 950169
$500 CA Physical Therapy PAC (CA-PT-PAC) 780079
$250 Monterey County Medical Society MD PAC 901873
$250 Recording Industry Assn of America PAC 943103
$200 Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley 1287517

KARINA CERVANTEZ ALEJO (D) (b. 3/8/1980), the daughter of field workers, is the wife of the incumbent, Luis Alejo, and a first term member of the Watsonville City Council. She served on the city Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission before being elected to the council. Born in Tulare County, she received her bachelor's and master's in Psychology from UC Santa Cruz. She is currently completing her PhD in Psychology from UCSC. She teaches at Cabrillo College. 

$17,000 Faculty for Our Universitys Future A Cmte Sponsored By the CA Faculty Assn 850007
$16,700 CA Federation of Teachers Cope 741857
$8,500 State Building & Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$8,500 American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees-CA People SCC 960772
$8,400 Barona Band of Mission Indians 494112
$8,400 Consumer Attorneys Political Action Cmte 760231
$8,400 CA Latino Caucus Leadership PAC 1321501
$8,300 Hueso for Senate 2018 1373761
$8,000 Political Action for Classified Employees of CA School Employees SCC 761128
$8,000 Rendon for Assembly 2016 1373599
$7,500 Northern CA Carpenters Regional Council 972104
$7,000 CA Beer and Beverage Distributors Community Affairs 761487
$5,200 Sheet Metal Workers International Assn Local Union 104 PAC 850381
$5,200 CA Building Industry Assn PAC 890483
$5,200 Eduardo Garcia for Assembly 2016 1374231
$5,200 NUHW Cmte for Quality Patient Care and Union Democracy 1318200
$5,200 Women In Power 1326620
$5,000 Pipe Trades District Council #36 PAC 910629
$4,250 CA State Council of Laborers PAC 902770
$4,200 Operating Engineers Local No 3 Statewide PAC SCC 981697
$4,200 Eli Lilly and Company Political Action Cmte 990321
$4,200 Eggman for Assembly 2016 1373777
$4,200 Hernandez for Assembly 2014 1354454
$4,200 CA Dental Political Action Cmte 742855
$4,200 Alejo for Assembly 2014 1353603
$4,200 San Francisco Laborers Local 261 981076
$4,200 Friends of Jimmy Gomez for Assembly 2014 1354022
$4,200 Das Williams for Assembly 2014 1353473
$4,200 Lorena Gonzalez for Assembly 2014 1358017
$4,200 Laborers Local Union No 270 PAC Small Conributor Cmte 901351
$4,200 Perea for Assembly 2014 1353601
$4,200 Medina for Assembly 2016 1373424
$4,000 CA Nurses Assn Political Action Cmte 780657
$4,000 AT&T Inc. & its Affiliates 478036
$4,000 Luis Alejo for Senate 2018 1374726
$4,000 C.O.P.E. Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers Local 1936 1271175
$3,700 Tony Thurmond for Assembly 2016 1373771
$3,500 CA State Assn of Electrical Workers 743107
$3,000 Peace Officer Research Assn of CA PAC SCC 810830
$3,000 IBEW 332 Education Fund 1298069
$3,000 Miguel Santiago for Assembly 2014 1357866
$3,000 United Nurses Assn of CA/Union of Health Care Profs PAC 1295768
$3,000 CA Assn of Highway Patrolmen PAC 802001
$3,000 United Transportation Union Political Action Cmte 745910
$3,000 PG&E Corporation 478163
$2,500 CA Cattlemens Assn PAC 760980
$2,500 Ayala for City Council 2014 1287951
$2,200 Rodriguez for Assembly 2016 1373319
$2,200 United Transportation Union Political Action Cmte C00001636
$2,000 Pepsico Inc. 482209
$2,000 CA Assn of Winegrape Growers State PAC 801893
$2,000 Enterprise Holdings Inc. Political Action Cmte 992324
$2,000 CA Defense Counsel PAC 850665
$2,000 IUPAT Political Action Together Political Cmte 1242103
$1,500 Agricultural Council of CA PAC 761092
$1,500 Pajaro Valley Cesar Chavez Democratic Club 1280743
$1,500 CA Assn of Mutual Water 1363932
$1,250 CA Machinists Non-Partisan Political League 761035
$1,000 Holden for Assembly 2016 1374277
$1,000 American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees CA District Council 36 PAC 1319731
$1,000 Sebastian Ridley Thomas for Assembly 2016 1373947
$1,000 Kevin Mullin for Assembly 2016 1373406
$1,000 Tom Daly for Assembly 2016 1373559
$1,000 Rob Bonta for Assembly 2016 1373426
$1,000 Evan Low for Assembly 2016 1373638
$1,000 National Assn of Insurance & Finacial Advisors/CA PAC 743365
$1,000 International Paper Political Action Cmte 1318753
$1,000 Mexican American Bar Assn PAC 881147
$1,000 David Chiu for Assembly 2016 1374666
$1,000 Garcia for Assembly 2014 1355460
$1,000 Karina Cervantez Alejo for Assembly 2018 1392504
$1,000 Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. 1337192
$1,000 CA Cable and Telecommunications Assn PAC 745932
$1,000 IAAF Local 4513 PAC 1385189
$1,000 Faculty Assn of CA - CA Community Colleges 84118
$1,000 Monterey County Deputy Sheriff Assn PAC 1334267
$1,000 CA Psychological Assn Political Action Cmte 822974
$1,000 Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties Building & Construction Trades Council Political Action Lea 850048
$1,000 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn PAC 746189
$1,000 CA Assn for Nurse Practitioners PAC 860692
$1,000 CA Assn of Health Facilities 741816
$1,000 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Assn of America PAC 1282378
$1,000 CA State Council of UNITE HERE 744194
$1,000 CA Grain & Feed Assn PAC 810430
$1,000 CA Fresh Fruit Assn PAC 800697
$1,000 John Deere Political Action Cmte 282183
$1,000 CA Water Assn PAC 890906
$1,000 CA Seed Assn PAC 970787
$1,000 American Beverage Assn CA PAC 1344506
$996 Canales for Artesia City Council 2015 1330442
$800 Democratic Activists for Women Now 950169
$750 American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees Council 57 PAC 1313474
$750 National Womens Political Caucus CA PAC 1361745
$589 Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Cmte 742230
$500 Matt Dababneh for Assembly 2016 1374311
$500 Rivera for City Council 2014 1354555
$500 IBEW Local Union 234 PAC 1316529
$500 Santa Clara & San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council PAC 743618
$500 Board of Equalization Member Horton 2014 1333869
$500 Svonkin for Community College Board 1319629
$500 Pacific Water Quality Assn PAC 790725
$500 Trout PAC 861445
$250 Cmte to Re-Elect Denise Robles to City Council 2015 1334459
$200 Democratic Womens Club of Santa Cruz County 1306050
$125 South County Democratic Club 990589
$100 Coonerty for County Supervisor 1360850

JOHN M. NEVILL (D) is a former Director of Cardiopulmonary Services at Monterey County's Natividad Medical Center and the owner of the Triple L Sheep Ranch in King City. He previously mounted an unsuccessful run for Jeff Denham's SD12 seat during the failed recall election in 2008, but failed to make the ballot. He ran in 2016 for AD30 as a Republican, raising and spending no money and finishing 4th out of 4 candidates in the June top two primary with 12.2% of the vote. He resides in King City with his wife, Ellen.


GEORGIA LYNN ACOSTA (R) previously ran in 2004 for a seat on the Pajaro Valley Unified School District Board, finishing a close 2nd. She previously chaired the governing Board of the Pacific Coast Charter School, and previously worked as an Associate of Kane-Hall-Palmtag Real Estate. She resides in Watsonville and has three children. Political Consultant: In Support Campaign Consultive Services

Campaign 2014

Election Results

June Top-Two Primary
Luis Alejo D-Inc 25,441 58.93%
Mark Starritt R 17,730 41.07%
November General Election
Luis Alejo D-Inc 43,431 59.81%
Mark Starritt R 29,187 40.19%


Asm. Luis Alejo and Republican Mark Starritt, a commercial pilot/builder, were the only candidates in the June Primary. In 2012, Starritt lost a close race for a seat on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors.  However, in this race Starritt made no more than a token effort and Alejo easily outpolled Starritt 59% to 41% in the Primary and by a similar margin in the November runoff election.


ALEJO FOR ASSEMBLY 2014 $700 $0 $613,797 $3,168 $626,009 $0 2017-02-09
STARRITT FOR STATE ASSEMBLY 2014, MARK $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0



LUIS ALEJO (D) (b. 3/27/74) was elected to the Assembly in 2010, serving on the Watsonville City Council at the time. After being termed out in 2016, he successfully ran for the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, unseating incumbent Fernando Armenta. The son of migrant farm workers, Alejo received dual bachelor's degrees in Political Science and Chicano Studies from UC Berkeley, a master's in Education from Harvard University, and a law degree from UC-Davis. From 2007 until his election to the Assembly, the former high school teacher served as a staff attorney for the Monterey County Superior Court where he assisted those who could not afford an attorney. He is married to Watsonville City Council member and Assembly candidate Karina Cervantez-Alejo.

$3,500 CA State Council of Laborers PAC SCC 902770
$3,500 State Building & Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$3,000 CA State Pipe Trades Council PAC 743895
$2,500 Enterprise Holdings Inc. Political Action Cmte 992324
$2,000 CA Medical Assn Political Action Cmte 742617
$2,000 CA Bankers Assn State Political Action Cmte 742694
$2,000 United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council Candidates PAC 910874
$2,000 IUPAT Political Action Together Political Cmte 1242103
$2,000 CA Nurses Assn PAC 780657
$2,000 CA Apartment Assn PAC 745208
$1,200 CA Restaurant Assn Political Action Cmte 890231
$1,200 Consumer Attorneys Political Action Cmte 760231
$1,000 Associated General Contractors Political Action Cmte 890194
$1,000 AT&T Inc. and its Affilliates 478036
$1,000 Taxicab Paratransit Assn of CA LIFTPAC 746220
$1,000 Prof Engineers in CA Govt PAC 822501
$1,000 Peace Officer Research Assn of CA PAC SCC 810830
$1,000 CA Building Industry Assn PAC 890483
$1,000 FarmPAC 760960
$1,000 FairPAC Sponsored by Civil Justice Assn of CA 1311499
$1,000 CAns Allied For Patient Protection Political Action Cmte 920780
$1,000 CA Water Political Action Cmte 1268785
$1,000 CA Water Assn PAC 890906
$1,000 CA Nations Indian Gaming Assn Sovereignty Protection Fund 1266480
$1,000 CA Hotel & Lodging Assn PAC 760808
$1,000 CA Credit Union League 760225
$1,000 CA Conference Board Amalgamated Transit Union 761357
$1,000 CA Beer and Beverage Distributors Community Affairs 761487
$1,000 Wine Institute CA PAC 1277874
$995 CA Foresty Assn PAC 761244
$750 Faculty Assn of CA CA Community Colleges 841118
$500 Apartment Assn of Greater Los Angeles 811735
$250 Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties Building & Construction Trades Council Political Action League 743618
$100 IBEW Local Union 234 PAC 1316529
$100 Bricklayers and Allied Craftworker Local No. 3 PAC 1244975

MARK STARRITT is a commercial pilot/builder. In 2012, he lost a close race for a seat on the San Benito County Board of Supervisors.


Campaign 2012

Election Results

June Top-Two Primary
Luis Alejo D-Inc 29,136 58.74%
Rob Bernosky R 20,462 41.26%
November General Election
Luis Alejo D-Inc 79,141 65.37%
Rob Bernosky R 41,932 34.63%


Incumbent Democrat Luis Alejo easily outpolled (59% - 41%) his June Primary opponent, Rob Bernosky, a businessman and GOP political activist, then proceeded to an easy November win. Bernosky ran against Alejo in 2010 (old AD28) and received 37% of the vote.


ALEJO FOR ASSEMBLY 2012 $0 $0 $414,306 $124 $458,713 $0 2013-12-31
BERNOSKY FOR ASSEMBLY 2012 $8,399 $0 $69,922 $14,278 $71,287 $466 2012-12-31



LUIS ALEJO (D) (b. 3/27/74) was elected to the Assembly in 2010, serving on the Watsonville City Council at the time. After being termed out in 2016, he successfully ran for the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, unseating incumbent Fernando Armenta. The son of migrant farm workers, Alejo received dual bachelor's degrees in Political Science and Chicano Studies from UC Berkeley, a master's in Education from Harvard University, and a law degree from UC-Davis. From 2007 until his election to the Assembly, the former high school teacher served as a staff attorney for the Monterey County Superior Court where he assisted those who could not afford an attorney. He is married to Watsonville City Council member and Assembly candidate Karina Cervantez-Alejo.

$11,400 CA Teachers Assn Assn. for Better Citizenship 741941
$10,000 CA State Assn of Electrical Workers 743107
$9,250 Northern CA Carpenters Regional Council SCC 972104
$9,000 State Building & Construction Trades Council of CA PAC SCC 743501
$8,800 CA State Council of Laborors PAC 902770
$8,000 Political Action for Classified Employees of CA School Employees Small Contributor Com 761128
$8,000 CA Nurses Assn PAC (CNA PAC) SCC 780657
$7,800 SEIU - United Long Term Care Workers Local 6434 State PAC 1234250
$7,800 CA Real Estate Political Action Cmte 890106
$7,800 CCPOA Politial Action Cmte 830349
$7,400 San Manuel Band of Mission Indians General Account 496051
$6,000 Prof Engineers in CA Govt 822501
$5,900 United Transportation Union Political Action Cmte 745910
$5,344 Operating Engineers Local No. 3 State Wide PAC SCC 981697
$5,000 CA State Pipe Trades Council PAC 743895
$5,000 Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building & Construcion Trades Council PAC 743618
$5,000 Peace Officer Research Assn of CA PAC SCC 810830
$4,900 AT&T Inc. and its Affilliates 478036
$4,900 Cooperative of American Physicians 760951
$4,000 Consumer Attorneys Political Action Cmte 760231
$3,900 CA Cattlemens Assn PAC 760980
$3,900 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn Political Action Cmte 746189
$3,900 CA State Council of Service Employees Small Contrubutor Cmte 831628
$3,900 American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees - CA People Small Contributor Committ 960772
$3,500 Service Employees International Union 521 Candidate PAC 1297708
$3,500 CA Dental Political Action Cmte 742855
$3,000 Pipe Trades District Council #36 PAC 910629
$3,000 CA Prof Firefighters 744058
$3,000 The Doctors Company PAC 923140
$3,000 CSLEA Political Action Cmte 970375
$3,000 CA Assn of Psychiatric Technicians Inc. PAC 882070
$2,555 Laborers Local Union No. 270 PAC Small Conributor Cmte 901351
$2,500 Plumbers Steamfitters and Refrigeration Fitters UA Local 393 Political Action Fund 851452
$2,500 UAW Region 5 Western States Political Action Cmte 743787
$2,500 Chukchansi Economic Development Authority 1292413
$2,500 Fabian Nunez for Treasurer 2014 1324832
$2,325 CA Applicants Attorneys Assn SCC 1233793
$2,250 CA Water Assn PAC 890906
$2,035 CAns Allied For Patient Protection Political Action Cmte 920780
$2,000 CA Building Industry Assn PAC 890483
$2,000 CA Federation of Teachers COPE 741857
$2,000 CSEA Retirees Inc. PAC 1302173
$2,000 CA Bankers Assn State Political Action Cmte 742694
$2,000 CA Ind Telephone 771171
$2,000 Personal Insurance Federation Agents & Employees 1338487
$2,000 CA Cable and Telecommunications Assn PAC 745932
$2,000 Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians Tribal Governement Operations 49306
$2,000 CDF Firefighters Small Contributor PAC 790318
$2,000 CA United Homecare Workers Union Local 4034 PAC 1292045
$2,000 CA Beer and Beverage Distributors Community Affairs 761487
$2,000 United Nurses Assn of CA Union of Healthcare Profs PAC 1295768
$2,000 Cisco Systems Inc. CA PAC 1292423
$2,000 Collateral Promotion Trustee 743255
$2,000 CA Assn of Highway Patrolmen 802001
$1,500 Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers PAC 851706
$1,500 CA Ambulance Assn PAC 890111
$1,500 Physicians for the Group Practice of Medicine 992303
$1,500 Bank of America PAC 990697
$1,500 IBEW 332 Education Fund All Purpose Account 1298069
$1,500 CA League of Food Processors PAC 760553
$1,500 CA State Council of UNITE HERE 744194
$1,250 Calfornia Machinists Non-Partisan Political League 761035
$1,200 Monning for Senate 2012 1336745
$1,000 San Francisco Bar Pilots 743492
$1,000 CA Apartment Assn PAC 745208
$1,000 CA New Car Dealers Assn Political Action Cmte 741623
$1,000 JPMorgan Chase & Company PAC C00128512
$1,000 Liuna Local 777 Political Action Cmte 942524
$1,000 Faculty for Our Universitys Future 850007
$1,000 National Assn of Insurance and Financial Advisors 743365
$1,000 International Paper Political Action Cmte 1318753
$1,000 CA Medical Assn Political Action Cmte 742617
$1,000 Medical Insurance Exchange of CA PAC 1323065
$1,000 UFCW Region 8 States Council Political Education Fund 910874
$1,000 AT&T CA Employee Political Action Cmte 981470
$1,000 C.O.P.E. Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers Local 1936 1271175
$1,000 CA Conference Board Amalgamated Transit Union 761357
$1,000 FairPAC Sponsored by Civil Justice Assn of CA 1311499
$1,000 Taxicab Paratransit Assn of CA LIFTPAC 746220
$1,000 The Micra CA PAC of Norcal Mutual Insurance Company 1264748
$1,000 CA Assn of Community Managers PAC 983494
$750 IBEW Local Union 234 PAC 1316529
$600 Karina Cervantez for City Council 1348793
$587 CA Foresty Assn PAC 761244
$587 Lumber Assn of CA & Nevada 771461
$500 Drive Cmte 880969
$500 Sheet Metal Workers International Assn 850381
$500 Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC 743579
$500 County Apartment Assn PAC 791492
$448 Salinas Valley Democratic Club 1266847
$400 United Farm Workers Political Action Cmte 782630
$350 Hernandez for Assembly 2012 1334127
$250 Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Cmte on Political Education 841975
$250 Friends of Bill Monning for Assembly 2012 1333843
$250 Pajaro Valley/Cesar Chavez Democratic Club 1280743
$250 South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Cmte on Political Education 744711
$250 Nora Campos for Assembly 2012 1333705
$198 Dave Potter for Monterey County Supervisor 5th District 952057
$150 Das Williams for Assembly 2014 1353473
$100 Das Williams for Assembly 2012 1333959
$100 Re-Elect Ben Hueso for Assembly 2012 1335042
$100 Friends of Mark Stone 1260902
$100 South County Democratic Club 990589
$100 Michael Allen for Assembly 2012 1335032
$100 Rudy Salas for City Council 2010 1325897

ROB BERONSKY (R) is a businessman, former school board member, and perennial candidate. He successfully ran for North County Joint Union School Board in 2004, and was an unsuccessful candidate for San Benito High School Board in 2006, for state assembly in 2010 and 2012, for Hollister Elementary school board in 2016 and 2020, and for San Benito supervisor in 2018. He resides in Hollister.